Jury Urso will participate for the first time in his life in the academic conference. He will join tomorrow 18th annual Pacific University Undergraduate Philosophy Conference at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon (http://www.pacificu.edu/current-undergraduate/academics/majors-minors/philosophy/undergraduate-philosophy-conference) that will be on April 4-5, 2014. Jury will present a paper called “Transformation of the Role of the Intellectual in Society” on Saturday, April 5th at 2:00-4:15pm Paper Session #3 in section HEIDEGGER & FOUCAULT (Marsh 206) – http://www.pacificu.edu/current-undergraduate/academics/majors-minors/philosophy/undergraduate-philosophy-conference/full-conference-schedule
This article explores transformation of the role of intellectual, from universal to the specific one, that was described in an interview called “Truth and Power” by Michele Foucault. In this article I compare theory of intellectuals by Foucault to the Gramscian distinction between organic/traditional intellectuals finding out similarities between two theories. In the end I try to apply Foucault’s distinction to the Belarussian context arguing about the problematic of applying it to the other than French context. My hypothesis is that the disappearance of the universal intellectuals, in Foucault’s terminology, is not a positive transition, but actually it deprives power of the intellectuals.
Можа, ты не бачыў, але вось табе артыкул: http://poslezavtra.be/evidence/2014/04/01/o-tom-kak-ne-platit-za-nauchnye-stati.html
Можа, спатрэбіцца табе ў навуковых штуках.