Jury wrote a new paper called “The importance of language as tool of the colonization in Homi K. Bhabha and Frantz Fanon”: This paper elaborates on the idea of Homi K. Bhabha that teaching English serves as a tool for the colonizing of certain culture. In particularly, Bhabha speaks about the importance of the English book as a sacred commodity fetish that not coercively forces certain culture silently accept the domination of the other culture. However, Fanon develops this idea by saying that language itself serves as a tool of constructing power-relations between Master (the colonizer) and Slave (the native). In sum, this paper will suggest that language itself as a tool of the epistemological domination serves as a powerful mechanism for the colonization of the certain territory combined with economical imperialism, when the possibility of your visibility as a native depends on the studying of the language of the Master. You can read it here – https://www.academia.edu/9761233/The_importance_of_language_as_tool_of_the_colonization_in_Homi_K._Bhabha_and_Frantz_Fanon
Tag Archives: Jose Carlos Mariategui
A few thoughts about Lenin / Пару мыслей о Ленине (in english and russian / по-русский и по-английский)
I have finally read tonight book by Lenin “Imperialism as the last stage of capitalism”. This was complementary reading to the class “Literature and Revolution in Latin America” that I take right now. Lenin obviously influenced on José Carlos Mariátegui (we were assigned to read his short article “Anti-Imperialist Viewpoint” – https://www.marxists.org/archive/mariateg/works/1929-ai.htm), great Peruvian political writer and philosopher, that proclaimed independence of Latin America (Peru, in particularly) from foreign (western) ideas. I realized that I was somewhat Leninist in my entire life. After reading this book it is not difficult to understand the Soviet Union and its agenda of isolating itself from fucking imperialist West and its exploitative empires (or, Negri and Hardt, will put it ‘Empire’). Also, it comes up Red Army Fraction in Germany and their agenda to burn and robe banks (chapter dedicated to the banks by Lenin). Though I didn’t like that Lenin instead of giving an argument, gives a lot of emprical data. It is so boring to read. Also some random pictures in my head: Chicago (hi-hi, Chicago friends, I will be there soon!), some rebels struggling against private property. Some of them anarchists. Seminar dedicated to the squatting aka expropriation of the private property. Books by Lenin on the shelf. Class struggle, brother.
Сегодня наконец прочитал книгу Ленина “Империализм как высшая стадия капитализма”. Это было дополнительное чтение к курсу “Латиноамериканская Литература и Революция”, который я сейчас прохожу. Ленин, очевидно, повлиял на Хосе́ Ка́рлос Мариа́теги (нам нужно было прочитать к семинару его текст “Антиимпериалистическая точка зрения”), величайшего перуанского политического писателя, философа, который провозгласил независимость Латинской Америки (в частности, Перу) от иностранных (западных) идей. Я понял, что я был, своего рода, ленинистом всю мою жизнь. После чтения этой книги несложно понять Советский Союз и его повестку дня изоляции от грёбаного империалистического Запада и его эксплуатационных империй (или, выражаясь в терминологии Негри и Хардта, “Империи”). Также возникает образ Фракции Красной Армии в Германии с их поветской дня сжигать и грабить банки (глава у Ленина посвящена банкам). Хотя мне не понравилось, что Ленин вместо аргументации много даёт эмпирических данных. Очень скучно читать. Также случайные картинки в моей голове: Чикаго, некоторые люди, бунтующие против частной собственности. Некоторые из них анархисты. Семинар, посвящённый сквоттингу aka экспроприации частной собствености. Книги Ленина на полке. Классовая война.